Friday, May 04, 2007

** Fat Resistance Diet by Leo Galland MD

Further evidence about the damning effects of inflammation. And that you're own fat can trigger an inflammatory response, leading to a vicious cycle of inflammation, leptin resistance, increased appetite, making you even fatter, creating even more inflammation... ending finally when you're a 400lb tub of swollen, feverish, inflamed lard. I should also mention that there are some healthy recipes in the back of the book.

Is obesity caused by inflammation?
Inflammation triggers leptin resistance, which in turn contributes to a sluggish metabolism, unchecked cravings, and eventually unwanted pounds. P5

Fat doesn't just sit there
Fat is not an inert storehouse of calories. It is an active organ that produces its own hormones. In fact, our fat regulates itself. When we gain weight, our produces a hormone known as leptin that suppresses our appetite and speeds up our metabolism, causing us to lose the extra pounds we just put on… Scientists have discovered that overweight people have high levels of leptin – but their leptin isn’t working properly. This condition is labeled leptin resistance, and it is comparable to insulin resistance that occurs in adult onset diabetes. P25-6

Leptin isn’t the only hormone your fat produces. Another is adiponectin… Paradoxically the more fat you have, the less adiponectin you produce… High levels of adiponectin have all sorts of beneficial effects. They help your muscles turn fat into energy more efficiently. They fight inflammation. They help increase insulin sensitivity, helping prevent diabetes. It also appears to protect blood vessels, preventing hypertension, and heart disease. And finally, like leptin, it suppresses appetite… Losing excess weight will boost your stores of this key hormone… There’s another way to boost its levels – by eating Anthocyanins – pigments found in blueberries, raspberries, cherries, etc. p29

How inflammation leads to leptin resistance
Inflammation is your body’s response to an assault. If you are bruised, injured, or attacked by infection, the affected tissues produce cytokines which call for white blood cells to rush to the area and defend your body. This sudden influx of white blood cells and the related increase in blood flow is intended to be a healing response. But this process also brings with uncomfortable side effects: redness, swelling, heat, fever, pain; the hallmarks of inflammation… You don’t want to invoke this chemical process any more often than you need to – and you want to turn it off as soon as you can. Fortunately, our bodies are designed to offer a counter response, a flood of anti-inflammatory chemicals that is triggered by the inflammation itself (this is a negative feedback loop). Modern life has produced a new condition known as chronic or silent inflammation which is caused by poor diet, lack of exercise, stress, environmental toxins – and obesity. Each of these trigger a low grade inflammatory response that is small enough that we can’t experience the visible signs – swelling, fever, pain. But because the danger persists over months or even years, the inflammatory chemicals are constantly being released… Some research has shown that chronic inflammation is associated with heart disease , artherosclerosis, increased risk of stroke, and even cancer… This continuous presence of inflammatory chemicals calls forth the continuous production of anti-inflammatory chemicals as well. One of the effects of some anti-inflammatory chemicals is to disrupt your body’s response to leptin… Thus if you’re overweight, your fat should produce leptin to suppress appetite (which it does), but if the same fat is triggering an inflammatory response and a corresponding anti-inflammatory response, this will make you leptin resistant. P30-32

Research suggests that while a 4:1 ratio of Omega 6 to 3 fat improves the outcome of heart disease patients; a ratio of 5:1 improves asthma, and a ratio of 5:2 improves rheumatoid arthritis. P48

Fiber can have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. A study found that the less dietary fiber in a person’s diet, the higher the blood CRP levels (CRP is an indicator of inflammation). P62

Hey humpty dumpty, don't break your yolk!
Whenever you use eggs, keep the yolk unbroken. If the yolk is broken and then fried or cooked, the cholesterol in the yolk is oxidized. This oxidation produces toxic cholesterol by products that are far more dangerous than cholesterol itself. A study found that women who ate scrambled or fried eggs with broken yolks had an increased risk of ovarian cancer. P96

Studies indicate that people who slept 5 hours or less each night had higher levels of ghrelin, a hormone produced by the stomach that stimulates appetite. At the same time, sleep deprivation lowered the subject’s leptin levels – increasing appetite. So if you consistently deprive yourself of sleep you’ll find yourself hungrier and probably heavier. P136

Allergic sensitivity and leptin resistance appear to have much in common, and recent research indicates that environmental toxins can contribute to both. Researchers have demonstrated a correlation between pollutants and a slowing of the metabolic rate. Since many of these toxins are fat-soluble, they’re stored in your body’s fat cells –so when you start to lose weight, they’re release into your bloodstream. These pollutants promote inflammation. P149

Detoxification is BS
You don’t need to ‘detoxify’ your body as many of these fad diets and schemes propose. Why? Well because your body has to detoxify itself, naturally and automatically – all the time. If it didn’t you’d be dead in about 6 hours. P153

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